Vinings Cumberland Rotary Citizen of the Year


Our Rotarians of course, do a lot of volunteer work. But they also recognized that our community has many others dedicated to volunteering and they wanted to find a way to recognize those individuals as many of the major contributions to our community were done by non-Rotarians and they wanted to find a way to recognize them. So they created the Vinings Citizen of the Year Award.

Criteria for Vinings Cumberland Citizen of the Year:

  1. Must be a non-Rotarian
  2. Recognized for their contributions as a volunteer in our area
  3. Must be an individual who is respected in their community and exemplifies The Rotary 4 Way Test
  4. We always reserve the right to skip a year if we don’t have the right candidate as we want this to always be a special and very significant award.

The Rotary 4 Way Test:

  1. Is it the truth
  2. Is it fair to all concerned
  3. Will it build good will and better friendships
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned

How do we find our candidates? Nominations come from a variety of places:

  • Rotarians
  • Members of our Vinings Cumberland area
  • Past winners of this award as they are volunteers so they have access to great people we may not know


Our first award was presented to BJ Boyes for the 1993-1994 Rotary year. Since then, we have awarded many amazing leaders and volunteers in our Vinings Cumberland area:

94-95 Linda Muir

95-96 Winona Crowder

96-97 Judy Kuhn

97-98 Mike Hammer

98-99 Betty Lou Kearney

99-00 Carl Moore

00-01 Frank Gleason

01-02 Margaret Hathaway

02-03 Kevin Link

03-04 Woody Faulk

04-05 Joe Lee Thompson

05-06 Ron Sifen

06-07 Dr. Steve Whittle

07-08 Barbara Limardo

08-09 M.A. Sikes

09-10 Betty Smith

10-11 Bill Voegli

11-12 Rev. Beth Dickenson

12-13 Susan Kendall

13-14 Anne Cox

14-15 John Thompson

15-16 Jane Mitchell

16-17 Joanne Newman

17-18 Nancy Giesler

18-19 Dr. James Foster Watkins

19-20 Janet Dickerson 

20-21 Mary Jo McCalley

21-22 Max Bendig

22-23 Annemiek Kuik 

Updated by Matt Jarrard
June 26, 2024 7:37 am