Good Samaritan Health Center Garden Clean Up

Good Samaritan Health Center is working to remove the barriers preventing low-income families from obtaining access to quality healthcare in the Atlanta area. By providing a full circle of health that includes medical, dental, behavioral, nutrition/health education, and wellness services, they are helping to reverse the healthcare gap in our community and set families on a path to achieving long-term health.

This project was to assist the upkeep of their farm which grows and produces about 10,000 lbs of food annually. They sell this food at their food market on-sight to raise funds for the medical center. Four Rotarians, one spouse and four Interactors helped to clear weeds throughout the farm and planted 550 strawberry plants. Good Sam provided the plants. Good Samaritan Health Center is one of our signature charities for our 5K race and received a $20,000 grant this year from the race proceeds.

Partner Involvement
Interact Club Members from Pope and Campbell High Schools helped with the volunteer work

Good Sam Garden Work

VCRC Plants 550 Strawberry Plants at Good Sam Garden

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